Your roof is one of the first lines of defense against inclement weather and the safety and comfort it provides for your loved ones shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially when it’s put at risk by any of the following five issues.

1.      LEAKS

Leaks are tricky because they can get out of hand in little time, causing problems to compound and multiply before they can be contained. In this case, early detection is paramount, followed by reaching out to your local roofing company. They’ll be able to verify that the leak hasn’t spread and reinforce the affected area to reduce the likelihood of it reoccurring.


Whether they chew through a curling shingle, or through a patch of rotting wood, small animals can squeeze their way into your home and wreak havoc. The lengths they will go to for a cozy place to sleep can be unpredictable and only an experienced professional can be counted on to retrace their steps. Trust Dykstra Knight to remove the little critters with care, release them into the wild, and leave your home looking like they were never there.


It’s very easy for ice to build up throughout the winter and form blockages that keep water from flowing away from your home. This can lead to water damage and cause your roof to sag. It’s understandable to want to save money and do the work yourself, but the dangers far outweigh anything you might gain. Slippery conditions and a lack of proper safety training should be strong enough deterrents to find a suitable professional.


A flat roof needs special care to give it the best chance at a long life. Firstly, it has to be coated in protective material. This is because most of them are only slightly sloped, or sometimes not at all, and a small tear can pose pooling or drainage issues.

The coating can be made from a number of materials depending on the needs of your home. Give your local roofer a call to find out if one of these popular options works for your budget:

  • Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO)
  • Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)
  • PVC
  • EPDM
  • Metal

Flat roofs are also prone to coming lose and creating gaps in your home that lead to problems already discussed in this article. The solution here—resealing the gaps with cement—may sound simple and straightforward, but missing just an inch can pose serious consequences to your home’s structural integrity.


The benefits of a well-running ventilation system cannot be stressed hard enough. It determines the quality of the air you breathe and is a vital contributor to your day-to-day wellbeing. If any part of it malfunctions or breaks down, airborne pathogens may enter your home and make you ill.

It takes someone who’s dealt with these systems before to understand how they can fail and the most efficient ways to fix them. But it takes a dedicated craftsperson to go above and beyond and find pride in keeping your family safe.

It’s not worth taking a shot in the dark when so much is at stake and the cost of mistakes can add up so quickly. A roofer with a professional reputation will be happy to consult with you and help your house feel like the home you want it to be.