Do You Need A Commercial Roofing Inspection?
The commercial roofing industry is one of the most competitive industries in our economy. As part of an array of services that commercial roofing contractors in Thunder Bay provide is a commercial roof inspection. When you notice your commercial roofing system is failing because you see watermarks on the inside of the building’s roof, you need the commercial roofing specialties of a qualified roofing contractor. The inspection will be a voyage of discovery for your roofing system, and it will outline what is wrong now and what will go wrong in the future. Once the details have been sorted out, a roofing contractor can provide a host of options to repair or replace your roofing system – depending on age and the extent of the damage. To help you understand the process, we at Dykstra Knight have a guide to educate all commercial building operators.
What Is A Commercial Roofing Inspection?
As an introduction, we want to start with what a roofing inspection is, and then we will tell what the review includes. Generally, a third-party, like a building inspector, will conduct the inspection for lease, title transfer or insurance purposes. The whole building is under review, and it is a visual inspection. Areas that the inspector will touch on include: fire safety, lead-paint identification, wood rot and insect infestation, phase I environmental assessments, asbestos identification, air quality assessments, radon detection, roof condition and life span left, and building circumference are the areas the inspector will review.
What Does A Commercial Roofing Inspection Include?
A Review of Inside the Facility
The beginning of an inspection starts inside the building; it looks for the endpoint for water leaks. When the endpoint is identified, it can be traced back to where the leak begins. For example, if you have a leak in an office, you can expect that the leak starts above the office, where you see a brown spot. If you have an HVAC unit above the office, it can be safely assumed that the leak will have its origins in the area where the unit is located.
A Topside Walking Tour
The outdoor inspection of the roof will look for imperfections and damage that cause leaks. Common problems identified through the walking tour are ponding, substrate damage (holes), cracks in the membrane, blistering, seams that are lifting, nails or shingles that are lifting, and other cosmetic problems that cause leaks. The visual inspection starts at the roof’s edges and is worked to the centre for two reasons. The first is that issues generally begin at the roof’s edge, and the second reason is that you don’t want to miss an area through the walking tour. A single-ply roofing system can be pulled up at the edges due to wind because the adhesion becomes weak due to the wind’s stress.
Core Samples Are A Significant Test
An inspector will take a small core sample to understand what exactly is going on with your roofing system. The core sample will reveal how many layers of roofing material were installed, the material that makes up the substrate, saturation and moisture levels, and the roof’s age.
A Report Will Tell the Tale
Once your inspection is complete, a detailed report will be issued that outlines what is wrong with the roof and what needs to be done to protect the building. Digital photo evidence will show leaks, and recommendations will be contained in the report. In the repair category, if less than five percent of the roof is leaking, the best solution will be a repair. If you have a 25 percent leak/moisture, your roof will last for approximately three years. A restoration is three times less expensive than a complete tear-off for your roofing system. A total replacement will be dictated if over 25 percent of the roof is faulty and soaked with moisture. It is better to spend the money on a complete replacement than to repair, as the short shelf life of a roof repair will preclude the expenditure.
The Best Roof Inspections Include
- Suggestions that create solutions to mitigate the problems your roofing system faces.
- A thorough and detailed inspection to determine water leaks and entry points.
- Selecting the right solution at the right price point.
- A complete explanation in layman’s terms that outlines the problems on the roof.